Our Needs

We invite you to become a prayer and financial partner with Sion Assembly Church

Ministries (SAC Ministries) in South India. Your support will enable us to move forward.

you are making an impact in their lives and eternal blessing and rewards are prepared

for you. Thank you for your time, prayer, contribution. please feel free to contact us if

you have any question regarding any thing or concerning how to donate etc, contact at

rajendra777@yahoo. com, or my cell phone number 91-998522422 or at skype :

rajendra.kumar.yellamellli. You are also welcome to visit our ministries in India or if you

want to visit the Orphanage or bible school or churches of SAC, you are welcome to do

it and please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your generous heart.

God bless.


To take care of one Orphan, we need $50 per month.

That takes care of 3 meals a day and getting them clothes, shelter with nice

bunk beds with mattress and good pillow, sending them to school and

toiletries needs etc. These Orphans are with us 24/7 in the Orphanage. Now

we have a place to accommodate nearly 200 Orphans. At present we have 22

Orphans and we are looking forward to take more orphans as Lord provides

support to take care of them.

To give toward the orphans, click this donate button: